
From surgery to recovery, we prioritize the comfort and well-being of your beloved pet.

Surgery can be an anxiety-inducing experience for pet and their owners. Our veterinary team works with you to ensure you feel knowledgeable and at ease about your pet’s upcoming procedure. Our hospital offers a range of surgical procedures, completed with the help of advanced technology, to ensure your pet has a safe and successful procedure.

When do you recommend surgery?

Our hospital is equipped to perform a range of elective and non-elective procedures. Elective surgeries are optional procedures pet owners can request to benefit their furry friend’s overall health, including spaying and neutering. Non-elective procedures are the types of surgeries our veterinary team recommends, typically after your pet has had some diagnostic tests like X-rays or bloodwork that indicate underlying health issues that need to be addressed.

How do you ensure my pet’s safety?

Our veterinary team uses traditional surgical techniques as well as new advanced technology to perform laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures. Laparoscopy and endoscopy use imaging technology to perform a range of abdominal procedures, with minimally invasive techniques. Most of our procedures also require general anesthesia, which ensures your pet feels minimal pain and we’re able to safely operate on them while they’re asleep. We do pre-anesthetic testing before it’s administered to ensure your pet will respond well to the medication and closely monitor their reaction to it during the procedure. If you’re interested in learning more about our surgical services, please contact us at 705-522-4555.

What types of surgical procedures do you perform?

The most common types of non-elective surgeries we perform include:

  • Removal of lumps or tumours of the skin, tissue or muscle
  • Treating abscesses, wounds or lacerations
  • Removing mineral stones in the urinary bladder
  • Removing intestinal obstructions or masses
  • Dental surgery
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